Safe Road for Peace & Development (SRPD) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that was established in Nov. 2017 with a vision to provide work through innovative approaches in Yemen to empower people, save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice and life with integrity, especially for those living in poverty and marginalized communities, where they can utilize their potentials for sustainable development.
A lead actor in creating a community where all individuals, have access to basic necessities rights through prioritizing the needs of vulnerable populations and working towards reducing the suffering caused by crises, and complying with the Humanitarian principles and Core Humanitarian standards.
SRPD empower people in need and help to build a brighter future for them and live with integrity. Alleviate human suffering by providing impartial and effective assistance to those affected by crises through providing emergency and sustainable humanitarian support through core humanitarian standards and principles.
• To provide assistance to those affected by conflicts and emergency conditions through humanitarian relief, sustainable development, and other interventions in a timely and effective manner.
• To ensure that aid is delivered safely and securely to beneficiaries who are in need of food security, livelihood, Nutrition, health, WASH, Protection, CCCM, Shelter, and education assistance.
• To ensure that quality and aid are provided without discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or nationality.
• To prioritize the needs of the most vulnerable populations, including women, children, elderly people, and people with specific needs.
• To collaborate and work in partnership with local communities and authorities to ensure that aid is provided appropriately and sustainably.
• promoting respect for human rights and dignity in all aspects of our work interventions.
• Consistently monitor and evaluate SRPD’s projects and interventions to ensure that they are meeting the needs of those we serve.
• To advocate and strengthen the policies and practices that support humanitarian action and sustainable intervention by upholding the principles of neutrality, impartiality, independence, and humanity.
• Ensure adherence and commitment to core humanitarian standards and humanitarian principles.
• Collaborate and commit with other humanitarian actors .
• Promote responsibility and ensure accountability.
• Accomplish sustainable outcomes.
• Levitate empowerment.